Holvi offers the following financial reports and statements. You can find all reports by logging in at Holvi.com and going to Reports.
Name | Definition | Report type | Accounting method | Format |
Account statement | A periodic summary of your Holvi debit account activity. | Personal | - Cash basis |
- Excel |
Credit account statement | A periodic summary of your Holvi credit account activity. Only for companies using a Holvi credit card. | Personal | - Cash basis |
- Excel |
Camt.052 (electronic account statement) | A machine-readable account statement – a periodic summary of your Holvi debit account activity. | Personal | - Cash basis | - XML |
Income statement | Your business income, expenses and their sum calculated as net income. Also known as the profit & loss (P&L) statement. | Business | - Cash basis |
- Excel |
Accounting journal | A complete chronological list of business transactions, including date, type, VAT % and category. |
Business |
- Accrual - Cash basis |
- Excel |
Invoicing report | A complete chronological list of your invoices, including issue date, due date, payment date and VAT. |
Business |
- Accrual - Cash basis |
- Excel |
VAT report | A complete list of business transactions that include VAT organised by their VAT %. Only for VAT-liable companies. | Business | - Cash basis |
- Excel |
General ledger | A complete chronological list of business transactions, including date, type, VAT % and category. | Business | - Cash basis | - Excel |
Order lists | A complete list of your online store orders, including date, amount, VAT and customer details. | Personal |
Export type | Description |
Dropbox | Export your reports. Include receipts, invoices, expense claims and more. |
Procountor | Export your Holvi account statement in a Procountor-compatible format. |
DATEV payments report | Export your Holvi transaction data to DATEV. |
DATEV bookkeeping report | Export your Holvi bookkeeping data to DATEV. |
Fivaldi | Export your Holvi bookkeeping data in a Fivaldi-compatible format. |