When you pay using your Holvi card or transfer money from your account, you’ll get a notification on your phone. From here, effortless bookkeeping is simple.
- Tap the notification to open the Holvi app
- Snap a photo of the receipt in-app. We’ll save it to your transaction
- Categorise your expense using Holvi’s bookkeeping categories or create your own
- Add any bookkeeping notes – like ‘lunch with Laura’ or ‘travel to Edinburgh’
- Done! Your transaction is prepped for tax time!
You can also edit transactions and add attachments later. The easiest way to do this? Log in at Holvi.com and go to Transactions. In your transactions list, click an individual transaction to open it then scroll to Add attachment – this is where you’ll upload a receipt.
You can also edit the payment breakdown. This lets you break a single receipt down into multiple items so you can categorise and apply VAT accordingly.