To use your Holvi account in Germany, we need the following tax details from you:
- Your personal tax ID (TIN / Steuer-ID)
- The personal tax ID (TIN / Steuer-ID) of the beneficial owner(s) of your company, if you operate a company type other than a sole proprietorship
How do I add my personal tax ID?
To add your personal tax ID, log in at and go to Profile (top right) > Personal settings. Scroll to Personal tax identification number (Steuer-ID) and add your number.
How do I add personal tax IDs for other company owners?
If you operate a business type other than sole proprietorship – in other words, if you’re not a sole trader – you might have more than one ultimate beneficial owner. In this case, log in at and go to Profile (top right) > My business, then under Who are your company owners? click Add. You'll be prompted to fill out a form and provide this owner's tax ID.
Provide this info within 90 days
Please provide this information within 90 days of opening your account to avoid service interruptions.
What is a personal tax identification number / TIN?
A personal tax identification number, also called TIN or Steuer-ID, is an 11-digit series of numbers that a person receives permanently from birth in Germany.
Your TIN is not changeable – rather, it is unique and permanent. The basic requirement for obtaining a TIN is permanent residency within Germany. Foreigners receive their TIN from the Bürgeramt after registration.
Where can I find my tax ID?
The TIN can be found on the employment tax statement, income tax assessment or the information letter from your tax office. If you can’t find your TIN, please request the number at the Bürgeramt.
What does a TIN look like?
These are the specifications of the Federal Central Tax Office:
- 11 digits
- First digit must not be 0
- In the first 10 digits one digit may occur exactly two or three times. If that is the case, no other digit may occur more than once.