To set up the connection, you do not need EBICS login data. Instead you can set up the connection via the so-called "Umsatzabholung" and RZ-Bankinfo. The transfer of receipts and documents is in the pipeline. We currently transfer the payment data and no documents, e.g. payment receipts.To set up your DATEV connection, follow these steps.
1. Add your Holvi accounts in DATEV
You or your accountant will need to add your Holvi accounts in DATEV.
To set up your Holvi accounts in DATEV, follow the steps in the option below that matches your bookkeeping situations:
Are you using DATEV Unternehmen online?
I use DATEV Unternehmen online for preparatory bookkeeping
➡️ Follow instructions at DATEV Bank online
I don't do preparatory bookkeeping or I use another software (like DATEV Mittelstand Faktura or DATEV Rechnungswesen)
➡️ Follow instructions at RZ-Bankinfo einrichten
2. Activate your connection in Holvi
Once your Holvi accounts are added to DATEV, you're set to activate your connection.
- Log in at
- Go to Account settings > Connections
- Click the DATEV tile on the Connections page
- Follow the steps to set up your connection
To activate your connection, you’ll need to virtually sign a power of attorney authorising DATEV (Amtsgericht Nürnberg GnR 70) to use Holvi’s data transfer services on your behalf.
Connections main page